

台灣‧基隆 愛三路38號 +886.2.2426.5988

週一至週日 12:30-20:30

38 Ai 3rd Road, Keelung, Taiwan +886.2.2426.5988
Located in Downtown Keelung - Miaokou Nightmarket District
Hours: Monday thru Sunday 12:30-20:30
Closed for Lunar New Year from Day of Eve and Opens on the 5th Day

Closed on Select Sundays - Please Call for More Information



Green is Great

The most prestigous quality for green feicui is the combination of pure vibrant green colour, glassy tranparentcy, and fine overall texture that is often called "old mine," while other shades are also favoured by connoiseurs. Caters to fans of all qualities and carries only the all-natural, non-treatment "A-Jade" feicui, Carato aims to be your trusted source for fine jade.

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