

台灣‧基隆 愛三路38號 +886.2.2426.5988

週一至週日 12:30-20:30

38 Ai 3rd Road, Keelung, Taiwan +886.2.2426.5988
Located in Downtown Keelung - Miaokou Nightmarket District
Hours: Monday thru Sunday 12:30-20:30
Closed for Lunar New Year from Day of Eve and Opens on the 5th Day

Closed on Select Sundays - Please Call for More Information



Colours Galore

Feicui also comes in many wonderful colours! There are orange-yellow shades that resemble sweet honey, mystic black omphacite jade that displays fine green translucent textures under lighting, fabulous ice jade is as cool as any, the lushous purple of lavender jade, and the rare and lovely pink variety. You can find them all blossoming at Carato FJC Keelung.

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